lunes, 30 de abril de 2012

Ajedrez jugada a jugada, La apertura española por el GM Neil McDonald

La conocida serie de libros de la editorial everymanchess "move to move" están entre los más vendidos por su claridad y accesibilidad para todos los públicos. Está vez la editorial española "La casa del ajedrez" nos brinda la posibilidad de disfrutar en castellano de este título  dedicado a la apertura española editado recientemente en la versión inglesa. (agosto 2011)

Información oficial: 

Neil McDonald presenta en esta guía de entrenamiento esencial de la Ruy López las ideas más importantes derivadas de la práctica competitiva y ofrece al lector su conocimiento y experiencia para dar respuesta a las cues-tiones clave.
La Apertura Española es la forma más clásica de comenzar una partida de ajedrez. En el manuscrito de Gotinga del año 1490 ya es mencionada, pero es Ruy López de Segura quien aporta las ideas básicas en suLibro de la invención liberal y el arte del juego del ajedrez, publicado en 1561. Por este motivo en algunos países se la denomina Apertura Ruy López. Aún hoy sigue siendo considerada la mejor opción de las blancas después de 1.e4 e5.
El formato “jugada a jugada” plantea continuos retos al lector y responde, a su vez, a las posibles dudas que apa-recerán a lo largo del análisis de cada variante. Estimula notablemente el aprendizaje y la práctica de las cualidades esenciales y ayuda a asimilar los conocimientos teóricos de la apertura.
Las preguntas y respuestas, cuidadosamente elegidas, le mantendrán activamente implicado en el análisis de  esta apertura  y le permitirán comprobar su progreso.

El Gran Maestro inglés Neil McDonald, considerado uno de los mejores escritores de ajedrez del mundo, es, asimismo, un respetado entrenador, que ha preparado a destacados ajedrecistas británicos.

Abril 2012, 208pg, precio de venta oficial: 19,50€ + gastos de envío.

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Aprenda aperturas. El gambito de Dama por el GM Neil McDonald

Información oficial:
El Gambito de Dama es una apertura de gran importancia histórica. La jugada 2.c4, que define su nombre, es la respuesta fundamental tras 1.d4 d5. Desde el primer movimiento, el negro obtiene un firme apoyo en el centro, algo muy difícil de minar para el blanco. Por otra parte, en ocasiones el negro basa su estrategia en ese control del centro.

La solidez del Gambito de Dama nunca se ha puesto en cuestión, y entre sus defensores encontramos Grandes Maestros del más alto nivel: Kasparov, Kramnik, Karpov y Short, como también otros maestros del pasado.

Este libro es una nueva incorporación a la serie Aprenda Aperturas, en él McDonald vuelve a los orígenes del Gambito de Dama, introduciendo movimientos clave, ideas, y fundamentalmente haciendo hincapié en los razonamientos que hay detrás de cada jugada. En esta guía el lector contará con la ayuda de abundantes notas, advertencias y consejos que en conjunto ilustrarán las características más importantes del Gambito de Dama y de las aperturas en general. Este libro es una herramienta perfecta para jugadores que desean iniciarse en esta apertura.

El Gran Maestro inglés Neil McDonald es un jugador experimentado y exitoso del circuito internacional. Es además un respetado entrenador, que ha tenido como pupilos a los más fuertes jugadores ingleses junior. También es un talentoso escritor: este es el tercer libro de esta serie que publica La Casa del Ajedrez: La apertura inglesa y Gane con 1.d4.

Marzo 2011, 192pg, precio de venta oficial: 18€ + gastos de envío.

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viernes, 20 de abril de 2012

Bobby Fischer Comes Home The Final Years in Iceland by Helgi Olafsson

Bobby Fischer sigue y será siendo un referente literario. En esta ocasión la editorial newinchess publicará este interesante libros en los próximos días dedicado a los últimos años del genio en Islandia.

Información oficial:
The Final Years in Iceland, a Saga of Friendship and Lost Illusions
Helgi Olafsson was fifteen years old when in 1972 Bobby Fischer defeated Boris Spassky to become World Chess Champion. Breathlessly, young Helgi followed the Match of the Century and even attended a number of games in Reykjavik’s Laugardalshöll.
Little could Olafsson suspect then that 33 years on, having become a chess grandmaster himself, he would be a member of the committee that successfully worked to free Fischer from a Japanese detention centre.

On March 24, 2005 Bobby Fischer returned to the country where he had achieved his greatest triumph. He was never to leave again until his tragic death on January 17, 2008.

Olafsson first met his childhood hero shortly after his return. In the following years, the two spent countless hours together. They made trips, went to restaurants, watched movies, played games, spoke on the phone almost every day, had fun and quarrelled.
Bobby Fischer Comes Home tells the story of a unique friendship and paints an intimate and revealing picture of the last years of the man who many see as the greatest chess player that ever lived.
Helgi Olafsson (1956) is a chess grandmaster from Iceland. He won the national championship six times and travelled the world as a chess pro. Today he is Iceland’s national chess coach and writes a chess column for Morgunbladid, the country’s number one newspaper.

Abril 2012, 144pg, precio de venta oficial: 17,95€ + gastos de envío.

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martes, 17 de abril de 2012

Mastering Opening Strategy by GM Johan Hellsten

El GM  Johan Hellsten experimentado entrenador de ajedrez y autor del aclamado libro "Mastering Chess Strategy" nos ofrece ahora este nuevo título para ayudarmos a mejor el pensamiento estratégico en la apertura.

Información oficial:

Study brings wisdom. Practice brings perfection
This is the eagerly awaited follow-up to Johan Hellsten’s acclaimed Mastering Chess Strategy. In this new book Hellsten focuses exclusively on opening play. He examines a wide variety of key subjects, including development, the centre, attack and defence, pawn breaks, typical mistakes and how to punish them, and opening preparation, providing the reader with a vital foundation in opening strategy. Just like his previous book, Mastering Opening Strategy is a product of Hellsten’s many years’ work as a full-time chess teacher and is specifically designed as part of a structured training programme to improve strategic thinking. In addition to the many examples there’s an abundance of carefully selected exercise games which allow readers to monitor their progress and put into practice what they have just learned. Following such a course is an ideal way for players of all standards to improve. Although designed mainly for students, this book is also an excellent resource for chess teachers and trainers.
  • An essential course in opening strategy
  • Contains over 350 pages of Grandmaster advice
  • Includes over 200 examples and exercise games

Abril 2012, 368pg, precio de venta oficial: 24,95€ + gastos de envío.

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jueves, 12 de abril de 2012

Positional Chess Sacrifices by GM Mihai Suba

Otro de los libros que publica  qualitychess y seguramente llamado a ser uno de los títulos más vendidos e interesantes por la calidad del autor, el GM rumano Suba. Viendo el pdf que aporta la editorial el libro promete....
Información oficial:
In chess, sacrificing material is the most dramatic way to try to seize the advantage. Most sacrifices have a forcing aim in mind, but most profound of all are positional sacrifices where the end is impossible to foresee and thus fine judgment, understanding and intuition are required. Such sacrifices are usually a mystery to average players, but acclaimed author and grandmaster Mihai Suba explains the secrets of this technique in entertaining fashion.
Mihai Suba is a Romanian GM whose previous book, Dynamic Chess Strategy, was highly acclaimed by the critics and won the BCF Book of the Year prize.

Abril 2012, 376pg, precio de venta oficial: 25,99€ + gastos de envío.

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Alterman Gambit Guide - Black Gambits 2 by Boris Alterman

Las principales editoriales lanzan en la primavera numerosos nuevos títulos. Qualitychess no es la excepción y prepara varios nuevos títulos para antes del verano. Uno de ellos disponible a lo largo de este mes, será este libro que continua la serie dedicada a los gambitos realizada por el GM Boris Alterman, en este caso el libro 2 dedicado a los gambitos para negras.

Información oficial:

The Alterman Gambit Guide: Black Gambits 2 is an instructional manual for improving chess players. Sharpen your tactics and learn to play dynamic attacking chess while studying the most entertaining gambits. This volume deals with various openings after 1.e4 e5, and lines covered include: Marshall Attack, Traxler variation, Frankenstein-Dracula variation, Falkbeer Counter-Gambit and more.
GM Boris Alterman founded the Shevah-Mofet Chess Academy in Israel. Alterman is a product of the Botvinnik-Kasparov chess school and he also helped to develop the Deep Junior program which famously drew a match with Kasparov and defeated both Radjabov and Deep Fritz.

Abril 2012, 376pg, precio de venta oficial: 21,99€ + gastos de envío.

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miércoles, 11 de abril de 2012

Winning Pawn Play in the Indian Defense by Henrique Marinho

Nuevo libro llegado de América de la siempre original editorial Moongoose Press dedicado a la mejora de nuestra comprensión del juego de peones en la defensa india de rey y estructuras similares.
Información oficial:

The King’s Indian and Benoni defenses may look similar, but they lead to vastly different strategies for each player. Why does White usually attack on the queenside in the King’s Indian but on the kingside in the Benoni, while Black does the opposite? Do you know when and where to launch your pawns forward, and when to rely on piece play? Can you stop your opponent from blocking up the position? Are you mystified by the subtle differences that totally change the game?

In Winning Pawn Play in the Indian Defenses, Henrique Marinho provides the guideposts that you need to make your way through the forest of strategies and variations in these popular modern openings. Aron Nimzowitsch’s neglected idea of the “qualitative pawn majority” serves as the basic compass in the author’s systematic exploration of the plans available to both White and Black, showing how typical Indian pawn formations suggest each player’s strategicopportunities… and the consequences of ignoring what the pawn structure tells you.

Fundamental positional lessons can get lost in the trees of variations. Marinho avoids exhausting tactical analysis and keeps a laserlike focus on ideas, structures, and plans in the nearly two hundred illustrative tournament games presented here, supplemented by the novel use of 20 chess engine games to investigate alternative plans in critical positions. You will learn not only to play either side of the king’s fianchetto Indian defenses, but also to apply the tool of the qualitative majority to any opening you play or face.

Includes a glossary of terms and an appendix applying these ideas to the most important open game, the Ruy López.

Henrique Marinho is a physician and federal treasury auditor based in Curitiba, state of Paraná, Brazil. Southern Brazil vice-champion in 1971 and a finalist in the Brazilian Championship that same year, the author was champion of the city of Campinas, state of São Paulo, in 1958 and 1964. Retired from active competition in 1983 to investigate the theoretical aspects of chess, in 2003 Dr. Marinho helped to found the Brazilian Academy of Chess and Culture in Curitiba.

This book first appeared in the original Portuguese under the title, Maiorias Qualitativas nas Defesas Índias (São Paulo: IBRASA, 2004, 2006). With this edition, Mongoose Press now makes it available to the English-speaking chess world.
Abril 2011, 316pg, precio de venta oficial: 24,95€ + gastos de envío.
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jueves, 5 de abril de 2012

The Enigma of Chess Intuition Can You Mobilize Hidden Forces in Your Chess? by GM Valeri Beim

Otro título de la editorial newinchess será "los misterios de la intuición ajedrecística" donde el prestigioso escritor y GM Valeri Beim a través de 272 páginas reflexiona sobre como piensan los grandes jugadores y el poder de la intuición. 
Informació oficial:

Nobody doubts that intuition in chess exists. It is part of the arsenal of every chess player, next to well-known skills such as tactical vision, the ability to calculate variations and endgame technique. But how does intuition in chess work, and where does it take us?
Intuition is by far the vaguest and hardest to grasp subject in chess, and consequently the least studied. Acclaimed author and experienced chess trainer Valeri Beim takes the bull by the horns and shows, with hundreds of well-explained examples:
• When intuition comes into play
• What the functions of intuition are
• Why some players have better intuition than others
• How intuition differs from pattern recognition
• How you can develop your chess intuition
• Why your intuition gets weaker as you grow older.

Valeri Beim deeply analyses and dissects how chess players think and demonstrates that each of us has the power of making intuitive decisions. You will learn how you can train and develop this human gift. Beim uses plain language and illustrates his findings with sparkling tales about Capablanca, Tal, Fischer, Carlsen, and other greats in chess. With instructive examples of practical play, this is a thought-provoking, yet highly accessible work.
Valeri Beim is a grandmaster who lives in Austria. He has won numerous tournaments and plays in the Austrian and German leagues. For many years he was the head trainer at the chess school in Odessa, and he was also the trainer of the Israeli Olympiad team.

Among his highly successful previous books are How to Calculate Chess Tactics and How to Play Dynamic Chess.

Pincha aquí para ver toda la información oficial de este libro.

272pg, abril 2012, precio de venta oficial: 24,95€ + gastos de envío.

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1001 Chess Exercises for Beginners The tactics workbook that explains the basic concepts, too! by Franco Masetti, Roberto Messa

La editorial newinchess prepara varios libros nuevos para este mes de abril, uno de ello es este libro dirigido tanto a principiantes como a monitores con 1001 ejercicios!. Aprovecha adelantándote al lanzamiento oficial de los libros pues siempre se suele obtener el mejor precio...

 Información oficial:

Chess is 99% tactics. If this celebrated observation is true for the master, how much more so for beginners and casual players! If you want to win more games, nothing works better than training combinations.

There are two types of books on tactics, those that introduce the concepts followed by some examples, and workbooks that contain numerous exercises.

Chessmasters and trainers Franco Masetti and Roberto Messa have done both: they explain the basic tactical ideas AND provide an enormous amount of exercises for each different theme.

Masetti and Messa have created a great first tactics book.
It teaches you how to:
• identify weak spots in the position of your opponent
• recognize patterns of combinations
• visualize tricks.
1001 Chess Exercises for Beginners can also be used as a course text book, because only themost didactically productive exercises have been used.

144pg, abril 2012, precio de venta oficial: 15,95€ + gastos de envío.

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lunes, 2 de abril de 2012

The Sicilian Taimanov: Move by Move by John Emms

Última entrega por el momento de la editorial everymanchess de los libros dedicados la defensa siciliana. Este título decicado a la variante Taimanov que la editorial lanza este mes quizás sea el más esperado por la experiencia y calidad de su autor, el GM John Emms y el formato de éxito de movimiento a movimiento que facilita la tarea de aprendizaje sin duda.

Información oficial:

This new series provides an ideal platform to study chess openings. By continually challenging the reader to answer probing questions throughout the book, the Move by Move format greatly encourages the learning and practising of vital skills just as much as the traditional assimilation of opening knowledge. Carefully selected questions and answers are designed to keep you actively involved and allow you to monitor your progress as you learn. This is an excellent way to study any chess opening and at the same time improve your general chess skills and knowledge.
In this book, John Emms examines his favourite Sicilian variation, which is one of Black’s most reliable answers to 1 e4. He shares his knowledge from over 15 years studying and playing the Sicilian Taimanov at grandmaster level, examines the opening from both sides of the board and offers answers to the all the key questions.
  • Essential guidance and training in the Sicilian
  • Utilizes an ideal approach to opening study
  • Includes a Sicilian Taimanov repertoire for Black

368pg, abril 2012, precio de venta oficial: 21,95€ + gastos de envío.

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