viernes, 16 de diciembre de 2011

Chess Evolution November 5/2011 - Edited by Arkadij Naiditsch

En unos días estará disponible un nuevo ejemplar de la publicación Chess Evolution (november 2011) que de la manos de varios de los mejores jugadores del mundo analiza profundamente las partidas actuales más importantes. Te recomiendo que mires la información oficial de la publicación para apreciar la calidad de la obra...

A multinational team of Super-GMs analyse the most important recent games, using their world-class skill and powerful computers. This volume is essential to anyone interested in the most up-to-date and highest quality opening theory.

November 2011 covers: The World Cup, European Team Cup, Poikovsky, Spice Cup, Hoogeveen and much more...

• Up to date and state-of-the-art opening analysis
• All the authors are world class grandmasters
• The games are selected mainly for their importance to chess theory
• All the analysis is checked with powerful computers
• Each issue will consist of approximately 400 hours of chess research!

Contributors to this issue include: Naiditsch, Maze, Ipatov, Gozzoli, Vallejo, I. Sokolov, Miton, Bacrot, Baramidze and Predojevic. All GMs, most of them in the top 100 in the world.

Diciembre 2011, 363 pg, precio de venta oficial: 32,99 €

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